This version allows us to access our account in the browser of the device, so that we will see the conversations that we have open, in addition to being able to start new ones. WhatsApp Web acts as an extension of the mobile version of WhatsApp. Since the use of this version works as an extension of the currently existing account. Of course, we will have to already have an existing app account on a device, such as an iPhone or Android phone. Whether we use Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox or others, we will be able to access it at all times, so it is not a problem in this regard. The good news is that Web is compatible with all browsers on the market today.

So we are going to depend on the browser that we have on the iPad. It is a method in which we are going to make use of WhatsApp Web, the browser version of the app. Until the official version of the app is released, it is necessary to resort to this method on iPads. We will be able to use WhatsApp on an iPad without SIM, but we are not going to install it on these tablets, rather it is a way to be able to use the well-known instant messaging app on the tablet. How to use WhatsApp on an iPad without a SIM Also, if it is detected that we are using an unofficial version, the app could block our account. Since they are unofficial versions that we do not know if they are safe or not, which is already a clear problem in this regard. On paper it may be an option of interest, since this way they will be able to use the app on their iPad, but this is something that has its risks. Thanks to them, users will be able to send messages to other people from their tablet, as if it were the official application. On the Internet we find unofficial versions of WhatsApp, which can also be downloaded on a SIM-free iPad. This means that it is not possible to download this application on iPads, as it is on an Android phone or an iPhone.

In some beta versions of the app, indications of its existence have already been seen, so it would not be strange if it arrives at some point this year, but the exact dates remain a mystery at the moment. This is something that is expected to happen in the near future, but we have to wait for an announcement from WhatsApp.

To this day it continues not knowing exactly when this version is going to be released of the application for iPads. Since it has been known for a long time that those responsible for the app and Apple are working on a version for iPad. At least at the time of writing this article. Users with an iPad do not yet have a version of this app for their tablets. The application has its Android and iOS versions, which then allow us to use it on mobile phones. WhatsApp is an application that can be downloaded on various types of devices. 4 iPad home screen shortcut WhatsApp app for iPad